Throughput plants


SteriFix E100-E20000 (1000 l/h – 20m3/h)

For larger wastewater volumes, the use of continuous flow systems is recommended.
In these, the cold wastewater is preheated by the already disinfected, hot wastewater. Thermal recovery minimises energy consumption. The most diverse treatment temperatures and dwell times can be implemented.

Example for plants:

SteriFix E250

SteriFix E1200

SteriFix E3000

SteriFix E10000

SteriFix E250

SteriFix E250 at Phyton in Ahrensburg

SteriFix E250 with a capacity of 250 l/h, a treatment temperature of 134 °C and a dwell time of 2 minutes.

At the facilities of the Phyton GmbH, fermenter wastewater must be treated thermally. Via a pumping station, the wastewater is conveyed to a buffer tank. In order to avoid fouling of the wastewater, sodium hydroxide solution is dosed until pH 12 is reached. Then, the wastewater is conveyed to the thermal continuous-flow installation.
Heat recovery is guaranteed via special tube bundle heat exchangers. On the outlet side, citric acid is dosed in an automatic neutralisation section until a pH value of 6.5 to 9 is reached.

SteriFix E1200

SteriFix E1200 at Roche Diagnostics in Penzberg

The wastewater is brought to a pH value of 12 by the means of sodium hydroxide solution.
Then it is inactivated thermally at 90 °C for 2 minutes. Before being introduced into the sewers, citric acid is dosed in-line into the wastewater travelling at 1 m/h in order to reach a permitted pH value.

Buffer tank 11 m³ with tube bundle heat exchangers

SteriFix E3000
SteriFix E3000 with a capacity of 2x3 m3/h at the CIDC Lelystad Institute (NL) of the Wageningen University at Roche

The CIDC, Central Institute for Animal Disease Control, in Lelystad is concerned with food control, animal diseases and production of animal vaccines.

A large stables area, laboratories and the vaccine production generate more than 1000 m3 wastewater per day that must be disinfected at 121 °C for a period of 20 minutes.

A two-line SteriFix E3000 installation with 3 m³/h per line has been installed to treat the wastewater containing heavy amounts of solid matter. The entire plant has been qualified and is constantly monitored online.
A CIP station automatically cleans the special spiral heat exchangers along with the dwell stages in order to avoid the settling of sand (as a component of the animal food).

SteriFix E10000

SteriFix E10000 installation in the Paul-Ehrlich Institute in Langen

The Paul-Ehrlich Institute (PEI) is among other things concerned with medical research. It is one of the world's leading institutions in the field of AIDS research. Wastewater from the animal stables and the laboratories is thermally treated by a two-line SteriFix with a capacity of 10 m³/h per line.